Alberta LAnd Surveyors’ Association
The Alberta Land Surveyors’ Association was established in 1910, it is a self-governing professional association legislated under the Land Suryveors Act. The association regulates the practice of land surveying, works to protect the public, and administers the profession in the province of Alberta.
City of edmonton - compliance certificates
A Compliance Certificate is a report from the City of Edmonton confirming that all buildings and structures identified on the property have met the regulations under the Zoning Bylaw and have the appropriate development permits.
Strathcona County - Compliance Certificates
A Statement Respecting Compliance or Compliance Certificate is confirmation from Strathcona County on whether or not development (siting and use of buildings) on a property meets with the regulations of the Land Use Bylaw. This compliance review of a property is based on a real property report of the property.
St. Albert - Compliance Certificates
A Compliance Certificate is confirmation provided by the City of St. Albert that developments and improvements on your property comply with the Land Use Bylaw. The City does not require Compliance Certificates, but instead provides them as a service, at the request of an applicant.
Government of Canada - Canada Lands Surveys Act
The Canada Lands Surveys Act sets the foundation for the Canada Lands Survey System (CLSS) and stipulates that all cadastral surveys on Canada Lands be performed under instructions of the Surveyor General and that the instructions apply if incorporated in other legislation, such as the Land Titles Acts in the North.